COVID-19 & Keeping Sandy Beach Safe


 COVID-19 & Keeping Our Sandy Beach Safe


Sandy Beach Association is working closely with town officials and following the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Cohasset Emergency Management, and Cohasset Health Departments to open Sandy Beach on June 13.

The Beach Parking Lot will open on Friday, May 22 and remain open daily from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm.

The health, protection, and safety of our community and staff is our utmost priority this year due to Covid19. We will be opening within the guidelines for Massachusetts plans for reopening recreational beaches and will provide updates throughout the summer as we move through the reopening phases.---


On Friday, May 22, the Sandy Beach parking lot will have limited access from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm daily for all vehicles. A patrol will be stationed at the gate monitoring vehicles entering the parking lot. A valid Town of Cohasset All-Facility Vehicle sticker will be required. 

  • There will be no drop-offs or unloading outside of the entrance.

  • “Carry-In Carry-Out” Trash Policy will be active as of May 22, and all visitors to Sandy Beach will be required to take all trash and recyclables home from the beach. 

  • Effective May 22, based on the recommendation of the Cohasset Board of Health, NO DOGS will be allowed on the beach from May 1-October 1.


Please note the following COVID19 requirements in compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Phase 1 for recreational beaches to open. 

  • On June 13, the bathhouse and restroom facilities will open, and we will staff the beach with lifeguards from 10:00 am-6:00 pm daily. The SandBar snack bar will offer a limited menu of prepackaged snacks and drinks for take-out only. 

  • For your safety, the Sandy Beach Association will be working closely with the Cohasset Police to monitor crowd control and maintain a safe environment for everyone to enjoy.


  • Any person over the age of two years, whether indoors or outdoors, must wear a face covering or mask when a distance of 6 feet of distance between themselves and others cannot be maintained. 

  • Masks are not required for swimming or for those prevented from wearing a mask due to underlying health reasons.


  • Sandy Beach visitors are required to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet or more at all times.

  • No groups larger than 10 will be allowed to gather. 

  • Sandy Beach capacity will be managed to accommodate a minimum of 12 feet distance between toweling/beach blanket groups to allow for adequate social distancing for ingress, egress, and transit across the beach. 

  • Organized ball games such as volleyball, Kan Jam, Spikeball, football, soccer, Kadima, bocce, etc. will not be allowed.

  • A minimum distance of 6 feet shall be maintained between lifeguards.

  • Beachgoers must also maintain a 6 feet distance from lifeguard stands unless there is an emergency. 


  • The Sandy Beach parking lot will have limited access from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm for all vehicles. A patrol will be stationed at the gate monitoring vehicles entering the parking lot.

  • Valid Town of Cohasset All-Facility Vehicle Stickers must be on vehicles entering the Sandy Beach parking lot. The town of Cohasset Police will regularly patrol, enforce, and issue violations when necessary.

  • The Sandy Beach parking lot and beach will be managed to accommodate safe and adequate social distancing based on an assessment by the beach manager. 

  • Loading and unloading times for people and personal items at drop off areas will be limited. Neith loitering or tailgating will be permitted. 


  • Visitors of Sandy Beach should expect limited or no trash disposal receptacles and should adhere to a strict “Carry-In Carry-Out” policy and take all waste with them when departing.


  • Sandy Beach visitors must abide by social distancing standards for bathroom lines and follow any established visual guidelines for maintaining a 6 feet distance in its restroom facilities. 

  • Beach House restrooms and showers will be cleaned at least once daily. Deep cleaning and disinfection services will be completed at least once per week and following the EEA COVID-19 Outdoor Recreation Facility Restroom Cleaning Best Practices.

  • Restroom facilities will contain adequate hand washing and/or sanitizer stations. 

  • Outdoor shower and water refill stations will remain closed until further notice.


  • Sandy Beach’s SandBar will offer limited prepacked snacks and drinks for take-out only. 

  • The SandBar will abide by social distancing standards for lines and follow any established visual guidelines for maintaining a 6’ distance.

Sandy Beach will require full compliance for all visitors to Sandy Beach to adhere to these requirements. Anyone not acting within the guidelines will be removed from the beach. Repeat incidents will result in permanent removal.